Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lonely First Post

Well folks (you know, the absolutely none) this is the first, lonely, lonely post, and I tell you now, it will be short.

As of now, Cain (fiance) and I are working on not only writing a novel, but a series of novels. So for we have about eight or nine books plotted out, and the first book ready to be written (if only I could pull him away from Ultimate Spider-Man and he could pull me away from The Sandman). On top of that, we still need to finish building the world our story is set in, which is frikkin huge.

Of what I'm willing to share, our books are about a group of four mercenaries. There's a Sorcerer, a warrior, a bard and a ranger (who's also the only female in the group). It's what I suppose would be called a dark fantasy with quite a bit of humor to it, even if they do run into some rather creepy creatures.

We hope to get the books published professionally, and also hope to be able to make a series of movies (most likely CG. We're also going to make sure we're standing over everyone's should and make sure it doesn't go the way of Eragon) as well as an MMORPG (manly men only role play gnomes.

Ambitious? Most certainly.

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